Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Too Many Butter Menthols

Home World Digital Library Digital Resources

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Gather maps, texts, photos, recordings and films of all time and explain in seven languages \u200b\u200band cultural relics jewelry of all libraries in the world.

has mainly an economic nature, predicted yesterday NATION Abdelaziz Abid, coordinator of the project launched by UNESCO and other 32 institutions. The BDM does not provide standard documents, but "with heritage value, that will appreciate and better understand the cultures of the world in different languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, English and Portuguese. But there are documents online in more than 50 languages. "

Each piece of the universal culture appears accompanied by a brief explanation of its contents and its meaning. The documents were scanned and incorporated in its original language, but the explanations appear in seven languages, including THE SPANISH.
The library started with about 1,200 documents, but has been designed to receive an unlimited number of texts, engravings, maps, photographs and illustrations.


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